CHS PTA Approves 14 Student Organizations Grants!

Congratulations to all 14 recipients of the CHS PTA's 2022 Student Clubs and Affinity Groups Grants!!! 💚💛

6 Affinity Groups and 8 Student Clubs submitted applications and all were honored! In total, the Grants final amount was $5,835.00. Woohoo!!! 💲💲💲

CHS PTA Grant Award Winners are: Asian American and Pacific Islander Club, Black Student Union, Jewish Student Union, LatinX, Native Student Union, SAGA, Unified Sports - Basketball & Cheer, Pigmice Team 2733-Cleveland HS Robotics Team, Cleveland Girls Lacrosse Team, Advanced Leadership, Period Club, National Honor Society (NHS), Cleveland Mental Health Advocacy, and the Cleveland Zine Club.

Applicant requests were wide-ranging. Funds will be used to purchase subscriptions, literature, event fees, guest speakers, merchandise, flags, field trips, snacks for meetings, printing, new games and so much more!

Grants are approved and awarded by the CHS PTA in partnership with the Cleveland High School administration.

Have a great rest of the year everyone!

CHS PTA President: Melissa Toledo.
CHS Principal: Jo Ann Wadkins.
CHS Bookkeeper: Jennifer Walker.
CHS Affinity Group Grant Approver: Vice-Principal Sean Murray.
CHS Affinity Group Grant PTA Board Member Lead: Nicole Chaves.
CHS Student Clubs Grant Approver: Jan Watt, Special Events Coordinator.
CHS Student Clubs Grant PTA Board Member Lead: Leslie Kossoff.

#PTA #CHSPTA #ParentTeacherAssociation #congratulations #announcement
#ClevelandHighSchool #CHS #grant #students #awards

“Student Clubs” and “Affinity Groups” grant applications are NOW OPEN thru February 11th.

This year the Cleveland High School PTA is pleased to announce the addition of two new student-focused grant opportunities. In total, these grants will bring $6,000 in funds to help support and enrich the “Student Clubs” and “Affinity Groups” experience enjoyed at Cleveland.

Students will have through the end of this school term to use the requested grant funds. What can your group use?


Students must consult with their teacher advisor before submitting an application as they may be familiar with other potential sources of funding. Only written requests will be considered. Grants are approved/awarded by the CHS PTA in partnership with CHS.

SUBMIT COMPLETED APPLICATION via email to by 5:00 pm on Friday, FEBRUARY 11, 2022.

All funding for the CHS PTA comes from membership dues and community donations.

CHS PTA Teacher GrantS Now Accepting Applications thru October 8th.


The CHS PTA awards grants to faculty, administration and parent efforts to support student services and enrich the quality high school experience enjoyed at Cleveland. PTA Grant funds are possible because of generous donations from our community.

This year we anticipate awarding a total of around $10,000! This year’s grant requests are due Friday, October 8th. For more information, please email

CHS PTA President talks ABOUT Safe Schools and Communities with OREGON State Representative Rob Nosse

What is Advocacy? In the context of PTA, advocacy is supporting and speaking up for children—in schools, in communities, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.

The CHS PTA leadership is advocating for greater attention to safety concerns impacting our families and the entire community. On Saturday, August 21, CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo met with Rob Nosse (Oregon State Representative for District 42) and delivered this letter detailing concerns and a call to action.

Contact the CHS PTA at for more information.

(August 21, 2021) CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo meets with Oregon State Representative Rob Nosse and discusses safety at the Cleveland High School Athletic Field.

(August 21, 2021) CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo meets with Oregon State Representative Rob Nosse and discusses safety at the Cleveland High School Athletic Field.

See it! Report it! Here’s how to officially report camps to the City: 

  1. Online: 

  2. By phone: call 3-1-1, non-emergency

Criminal activity/behavior, can be reported directly to Police online at:

To help find services for someone in need visit: Multnomah County Department of Human Services information.


If you and your family are experiencing homelessness, call 211info toll-free by dialing 2-1-1 and learn about available services including emergency and transitional housing as well as support services to assist with permanent housing.

CHS PTA Meets with Concerned Parents at the CHS Athletic Field

PORTLAND, Ore. — On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, members of the CHS PTA and Foundation met with a group of concerned parents to discuss safety at the Cleveland High School Athletic Field.

This session was brought about by an email sent to the PTA by a parent. During the meeting, parents and students talked about the safety issues they're facing when visiting the field. The group then brainstormed solutions and reviewed strategies for reporting and effective advocacy.

KATU News was on the scene and interviewed CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo: "The situation is bad over here. We're not happy. We're concerned for the safety of our students and all the staff. And just for the community. We're hoping that the city will come out and do something about it," …

Watch the interview on KATU news here.

KATU interviews CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo at the Cleveland High School Athletic Field. August 10, 2021.

KATU interviews CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo at the Cleveland High School Athletic Field. August 10, 2021.

See it! Report it! Here’s how to officially report camps to the City: 

  1. Online: 

  2. By phone: call 3-1-1, non-emergency

Criminal activity/behavior, can be reported directly to Police online at:

To help find services for someone in need visit: Multnomah County Department of Human Services information.


If you and your family are experiencing homelessness, call 211info toll-free by dialing 2-1-1 and learn about available services including emergency and transitional housing as well as support services to assist with permanent housing.